Thursday, June 17, 2010

June 17 - Soccer Cancelled Tonight for U4-U8!

I know it is the last scheduled night of soccer for many of the age groups but the weather is just not co-operating. I am proposing that we re-schedule tonight's games for next Tuesday (current long term forecast indicates sun and 20C ... if you believe that!)

We can celebrate our end of season then ... for those of you whose children received their medals on Tuesday night, don't forget to bring them to the field for our celebration! If you can't make it, let me know and I will be sure to get your child's medal to you!

Hopefully we will see many of you on Tuesday!



  1. Hi Kim,

    Yes we would love to reschedule to Tuesday. This weather!! It has been so terrible this spring. However, it looks like sunny days for Tuesday.

  2. Yes, we would love to play on Tuesday. The forecast is good for next week, sunny skies.

  3. Tuesday sounds like a great idea. Thanks Kim, for organizing!

  4. The Gold Medals and the Green Light Sabers will be there on Tuesday! Great idea!

    Thanks for organizing this Kim!

  5. Tuesday sounds great! Thanks Kim.

  6. Hi Kim

    Thanks for all that you have done for the Rosedale soccer this year. Great idea to take the end of the season to Tuesday of next week. I think you'll have a great turn out and it would be great to end our soccer season with a little sunshine. We know that we'll definitely be there. Thanks again.

  7. Hi Kim

    Thanks for all that you have done for the Rosedale soccer this year. Great idea to take the end of the season to Tuesday of next week. I think you'll have a great turn out and it would be great to end our soccer season with a little sunshine. We know that we'll definitely be there. Thanks again.

  8. That's great! I was worried no more soccer. Red Team will be there!

    Tim Ryan
